
What is MyWasiat?

A Wasiat is an Iqrar (promise) or covenant by a person, while that person is alive, on his/her property or to complete a benefit for charity or any other reason that is allowed by Syara’ (Islamic Law), which is to take effect upon his/her death.
It is a legal document that stated instruction on how the property will be managed or distributed to the loved one after his/her passed. The wasiat can be amended as many times by the testator before that.

Dalill About Wasiat

“It is prescribed that when death approaches any of you, if they leave something of value, a will should be made in favour of parents and immediate family with fairness. This is an obligation on those who are mindful of Allah” (Surah Al-Baqarah : 180)
Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w "Barang siapa yang meninggal dalam keadaan berwasiat maka dia meninggal diatas jalan yang benar dan sunnah, dia meninggal diatas ketaqwaan dan syahadah, dan dia meninggal dalam keadaan diampuni." (Hadis Riwayat Inbu Majah)

Terms of Wasiat

  • Has reached the age of 18 years old;
  • Perfect mind
  • Act voluntarily and not forced; and
  • Not prevented from managing his property (i.e kids, crazy or bankrupt)

MyWasiat Packages

Basic MyPusaka package

  • Affordable Fee (RM400)
  • Beneficiary Information (avoid denial of rights)
  • Property Information (complete list)
  • Debt List (to facilitate debt settlement)
  • Wasiyyah - Amalan Jariah (1/3 to non-heir recipient)
  • Proposed Property Distribution (with the heir agreement)
  • Last wishes (religious advice)

Basic MyPusaka package

  • FREE Wasiat Amendment**
  • One-stop center for WRITING, STORING & EXECUTING wasiat
  • Amendments can be done ONLINE
  • Wasi that very EFFICIENT & SYSTEMATIC
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