
What is MyHibah?

Hibah in terms of language means a gift. According to shariah Hibah is an agreement which contains the granting of a person’s possession voluntarily to another person during the time of his life without any consideration (‘iwad) or expecting a reward, using the ijab and qabul or the like.

Dalil About Hibah

“….who gives charity out of their cherished wealth to relatives, orphans, the poor, needy travellers, beggars, and for freeing captives; who establish prayer, pay alms-tax, and keep the pledges they make; and who are patient in times of suffering, adversity, and in the heat of battle. It is they who are true in faith, and it is they who are mindful of Allah. (Al-Baqarah: 177).

Rukun Hibah

  • Hibah Donor (Penghibah)
  • Hibah Beneficiary (Penerima Hibah)
  • Grant Property (Harta Hibah)
  • Sighah (Ijab & Qabul) and Qabd (Penerimaan)

MyHibah Packages

Basic Fees

  1. Hibah Property (Hartanah)
    • Registration fee
    • Processing fee
    • Acceptance fee
    • Amendment/Cancellation fee
    • Other related fee (stamp duty etc)
  2. Hibah Saham Koperasi
    • Registration fee
    • Processing fee
    • Acceptance fee
    • Amendment/Cancellation fee
    • Yearly fee
Apply Now >

Required Document

  1. Hibah Property (Hartanah)
    • Registration form
    • Copy of NRIC – Hibah Donor
    • Copy of NRIC – Hibah Beneficiary
    • Copy of NRIC – Guardian/Wali MAL (If any)
    • Property docments (geran tanah/strata, resit cukai tanah/pintu)
    • Registration fee
  2. Hibah Saham Koperasi
    • Borang Permohonan Akaun Amanah dan Hibah-hibah Saham Koperasi (khas)
    • Copy of NRIC – Hibah Donor
    • Copy of NRIC – Hibah Beneficiary
    • Copy of NRIC – Guardian/Wali MAL (If any)
    • Latest statement and information on the Saham Koperasi
  3. Apply Now >